We hope you’re ready for a great Adventure in the Hills. As part of our camp, you will have the opportunity to work on some trail badges that have outdoors components. However, you MUST come PREPARED. That means that it’s your job as a Trailman to have a printed copy of the Trail Badge requirements worksheet and to be ready to do, show, demonstrate, etc.
Come Prepared
Earning Trail Badges is not sitting in a class at a picnic table while someone tells you what you need to learn. Earning Trail Badges requires you to do some research. Some of the answers are found in your Trail Life Handbook, others you need to find online or at the library.
Here’s an example from the Trail Skills Trail Badge:
- Describe the proper clothing necessary for hiking, including proper footwear and socks.
- Explain how much weight you should carry and how much water you should take.
- Describe the importance of safe, clean water and explain how to identify safe and unsafe water.
- Demonstrate at least two methods of water purification.
You Can Move Ahead
So Trailmen, as you can see, earning Trail badges is a little bit of work. At the end of this letter is a list of trail badges you will have the opportunity to work on. They may not be complete at the end of camp, but you’ll have a great jump on them. We will concentrate on portions that need a large outdoors area to accomplish. If you come prepared, which is part of walking worthy, you’ll do well.
Required Shooting Sports Prep
Navigators and Adventurers MUST complete the Shooting Sports Orientation BEFORE coming to camp. Trail Life rules require you to do this before beginning any shooting sports trail badge (except Archery). The Shooting Sports Orientation can be completed individually or with your patrol. Talk to your Advisor or Troop Guide.
Badge elements offered at Adventure in the Hills:
Fire Ranger | Woods Tools | Rifle | Shotgun | Archery | Camping | First Aid
We may be offering additional badges so be sure and check the site from time to time!
Badge Notes
Do what you can well.
Do NOT come to camp expecting to earn 4-5 badges. DO come to camp prepared to work on enhancing your skills. If you did the work, you will receive the credit for it.
You can finish…
If you have previously partially completed badges and need help getting the last steps done, see the camp badge mentor and he may be able to work with you. Bring your partially done worksheet.
Grab Opportunities
If there are other areas you want to work on, like outdoor cooking, Trail Skills or outdoor Life, summer adventure is a perfect opportunity. Plan it out with other patrol members or trailmen from other troops. Your Trail Guide or Advisor will work with you and sign off on your book when each part is complete.
Remember: If you have not completed the shooting sports orientation, you are not eligible to work toward your shooting sports trail badges.
Walk Worthy
Adventure in the Hills Camp Staff
May 30, 2017